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Dr Igor Bernik, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia to visit the Information School

Dr Igor Bernik is Associate Professor of Information Sciences, and Head of the Information Security Department at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia. His research fields are information systems, information security, and the growing requirement for information security awareness.

Dr Bernik is visiting the Information School from 9 to 20 May 2016 and during his visit will deliver the following seminars and workshops:

Cybersecurity in a changing workplace environment
12th May 12-1pm, RC-204
Experts emphasise that cybersecurity is an important issue in the modern world as cybercrime is increasingly targeting individual users and, through them, also threatening the economic sphere and organisational environments, which possess large amounts of valuable data. In this seminar, we outline a practice-based understanding of contemporary cybersecurity problems from the perspective of individuals and organisations. Cybersecurity will be presented as a much broader concept than just technology as it involves individuals’ behaviour in cyberspace. In particular, in the context of contemporary work habits, where a permanent link to cyberspace is necessary, situations of abuse are "allowed" due to ignorance or indifference of individuals who use computers connected to the Internet, for they mostly deal with information resources unconscientiously. The seminar will go through the main trends in cyber space such us infrastructure revolution, data explosion, an always–on, always-connected world, future finance, new identity and trust models and will discuss their impact on cybersecurity.

Doctoral Workshop on information security behaviour research methodologies
17th May 3-4pm, RC-231
The perception and awareness of cyber threats, the fear of entering and using cyberspace, as well as the confidence and trust in cybersecurity solutions depend on individual users. However, a review of recent studies in the field of cybercrime reveals a lack of literature addressing these issues, which are fundamental for the development of guidelines on the safe use of cyberspace. Fear of crime, in particular, is one of the most researched issues in criminology, and holds great potential if extended to the field of cybercrime. In this workshop, we will discuss information security behaviour research, with an emphasis on the issues of cybercrime fear, and trust in cyber security solutions.

18th May 3-4pm, RC-204

Politically, economically or ideologically motivated cybercrime – cyberwarfare - is one of the most burning issues of contemporary society, which still often underestimates this phenomenon. Broader social motivation, which is realised with the help of ICT, is beyond individual interests and violates social norms, but is in most cases legal, undetectable, and in some cultural contexts even legitimate. ICT have exacerbated this situation even more, because their development enabled a mix of different types of crimes carried out by using the same techniques in a single cyberspace. Due to the scale of the problems associated with cyberwarfare, we will strive to present its nature and provide possible responses to it. The disarray of the legal bases emphasises the problem of detection and investigation of cybercrime and cyberwarfare related to global political, military, and economic interests. On the basis of experience, state authorities and responsible persons of various organisations can learn how to respond properly or omit a response in crisis situations.

The seminars and workshops are free to attend and there is no need to register.


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