Sheila Webber's work with Bill Johnston on the Information Literate University is the lead feature in the latest
Institute for Learning and Teaching newsletter of Okanagan College, Canada. Sheila, who is Director of the iSchool's
Centre for Information Literacy Research, and Bill (Honorary Research Fellow at Strathclyde University) were invited by Okanagan librarian Jennifer Sigalet to provide the keynote for this issue, which focuses on information literacy. Jennifer had previously attended an invited workshop run by Sheila and Bill on
Building the Information Literate University at the University of Alberta, Canada in 2011. Jennifer said "Your workshop inspired the theme of this issue and your lead article created a perfect framework and focus for the topic! The process of involving many interested contributors to this issue has been a step towards helping create an awareness of information literacy at our institution and stimulating an awareness of building an information literate institution. ... This is exciting!" The issue can be accessed from
Photo by Sheila Webber: information literate cupcakes