PhD student Wasim Ahmed, in
collaboration with Chrysa Dagoula from the Journalism Department have been awarded
funding to hold an event related to social media in the summer of 2017. The
workshop will be of interest to researchers from different research areas that
are interested in social media research and effective usage. The workshop will
cut across academic disciplines, and will provide an opportunity for formal and
informal networking.
A project to create a raspberry pi weather station is currently live in the Information School. The Sheffield Pi weather station has been created by Romilly Close, undergraduate Aerospace Engineering student at the University of Sheffield. The project was funded by the Sheffield Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) scheme and is being supervised by Dr Jo Bates, Paula Goodale and Fred Sonnenwald from the Information School. Information about the Sheffield Pi station and how to create your own can be found on the project website . You can also see live data from the Sheffield Pi station on , and further information can also be found on the Met Office Weather Observations Website . This work compliments the School’s existing project entitled ‘The Secret Life of a Weather Datum’ which explores socio-cultural influences on weather data. This project is funded under the AHRC’s Digital Transformations Big Data call. It ...