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Our papers at the World Library and Information Conference

A number of Departmental members are speaking at the WLIC (IFLA conference) next week in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Firstly, in the main conference:

"We are here because you were there": minority ethnic genre fiction in UK public libraries
BRIONY BIRDI (Information School, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom)

Developing inclusive models of reference and instruction to create information literate communities
SHEILA CORRALL (Information School, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom)

The secret diary of Adrian Librarian MOLE. The value of using e-journals to reflect on learning and professional development in the area of management skills development for LIS students
BARBARA SEN (Information School, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom)

Sustaining learning for LIS through use of a virtual world
SHEILA WEBBER (Information School: the iSchool, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom) and DIANE NAHL (Library and Information Science Program, Information and Computer Sciences Department, University of Hawai'i, USA)

Secondly, we are participating in a number of satellite events.
Sheila Webber is convenor of the conference 8-9 August in Gothenburg "Information Literacy: Context, Community, Culture" and one of our PhD students, Shahd Salha is presenting a paper Variations and changes in Syrian school librarians’ conceptions of information literacy.
At the satellite conference in Boras, Sweden (Cooperation and Collaboration in Teaching and Research: Trends in Library and Information Studies Education),
Sheila Corrall is presenting on Enhancing curricula and the student learning experience through internationalization: A case study of trans-national partnership and another of our PhD students, Eva Hornung, presents a poster Education for one-person librarians – what can associations and library schools do to support them?


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