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Showing posts from February, 2012

Prof Phil Levy appointed Deputy Chief Executive at HEA

Professor Philippa Levy has been appointed Deputy Chief Executive (Academic) of the Higher Education Academy , a national body for enhancing learning and teaching throughout UK higher education. In this role Phil will draw on her previous experience as Director of a national Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, as well as on her leadership of other learning and teaching development initiatives for higher education and on her research expertise in a range of areas of higher education development. She will be stepping down as Head of School at the end of May 2012 in order to take up her new role on secondment from the University of Sheffield.

Two free places for alumni of iSchool @ MmIT2012

Two free conference places for alumni of iSchool (Department of Information Studies) @ MmIT 2012 Through the generosity of iSchool, MmIT can offer alumni of the Department a free place at this year’s conference, in Sheffield, on 17th April 2012. To apply write a c100 word statement of how you think attending the conference will enhance your employability. Phil Levy, head of School will adjudicate on entries. Further details of the conference are below. MmIT National Conference, 17th April 2012, University of Sheffield Reduced budgets? Increased impact! Increasing LIS impact with new technologies Conference web site: Conference timings 9.00 Registration and coffee 9.45 Opening remarks: Leo Appleton (Chair of MmIT group); Professor Phillippa Levy (iSchool, Sheffield) – welcome to Sheffield 10.00 Plenary 1 10.45 Interactive voting 11.00 Coffee 11.30 Workshops 12.30 Lunch 13.30 Six five-minute talks 14.15 Workshops 15.15 Coffee 15.45 Plenary 2 16.30 Q&A sessi...

Recognition of Sheffield chemoinformatics research

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry is one of the word's leading chemistry journals, covering all organic aspects of chemical biology, medicinal chemistry, natural product chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, macromolecular chemistry, theoretical chemistry and catalysis. It has recently celebrated its tenth anniversary (see, and the fourth most cited article in the journal's history is a paper from the Sheffield iSchool: "Comparison of topological descriptors for similarity-based virtual screening using multiple bioactive reference structures" by Jérôme Hert, Peter Willett, David J. Wilton, Pierre Acklin, Kamal Azzaoui, Edgar Jacoby and Ansgar Schuffenhauer, and published in Volume 2 (2004) pp. 3256-3266.

Levy attends iConference 2012

Last week Head of School Professor Philippa Levy attended iConference 2012 , the annual conference of the international iSchools group of which the Sheffield iSchool is a member. With the overall theme of Culture:Design:Society, and a great mix of papers, workshops, alternative events and posters, the conference was a testament to the intellectual vibrancy and range of current research in our interdisciplinary field. iConference 2013 will be hosted by the College of Information, University of North Texas.