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Showing posts from July, 2008

Centre for Information Literacy Research: summer event

Centre for Information Literacy Research: summer event Date: August 13th 2008, 1.30-4pm Place: Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, Regent Court building, Regent Street, Sheffield (see (Building 166 at G3) or (Multimap) Description: This free half day event presents a keynote from a visiting academic plus reports on research and activities in progress. With a focus on higher education, the talks will appeal to anyone interested in information literacy in different disciplines and contexts. People can attend for just part of the programme if they wish. Please email if you would like to attend so that we can order the right number of teas and coffees for the break! 13.30 Welcome and keynote. Welcome from the seminar chair: Sheila Webber (Director of the Centre for Information Literacy Research) Dr Yazdan Mansourian , Ass...

Recent talks on information literacy and Web 2.0

Recently Sheila Webber has given a number of presentations associated with information literacy and with Web 2.0. "Fostering Lifelong Learning through Information Literacy education: Exploring conceptions in different disciplines and framing pedagogies for lifelong learning" (see the powerpoint here ) and "Information Literacy and Second Life" on 16 June at the Lifelong Learning conference, Yeppoon, Australia "Using inquiry-based approaches with first year undergraduates" on July 1st at the First Year Experience in Higher Education conference in Hobart, Australia. Workshops on "Social networking: exploring the possibilities" at the ARLIS conference in Liverpool, 24 July: see the resource she created here She also organised and led the Second Life track of the Learning Through Enquiry Alliance conference 2008: see the conference wiki for photos, commentary and transcripts

MSc in Health Informatics featured in the Independent

MSc in Health Informatics student James Duncan is one of several students interviewed in the Independant, for an article about the benefits of distance learning master's programmes. "Distance learning is helping workers' careers – and their pockets, too" In the article, James explains how the programme directly helped him in his career in healthcare consultancy communications.