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Free webinar on 26 June features 3 Sheffield staff and an iSchool alumna

Free IFLA/NPSIG/CPDWL Webinar, July 26 2016 (at 4pm UK time): Information Literacy in My Career (in Adobe Connect, link at the end of this message)

Speakers: Emily Wheeler, Sheila Webber, Pam McKinney, Liam Bullingham

IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section and IFLA New Professionals SIG have partnered with the American Library Association to present a one-hour webinar Information Literacy in my career. Professionals at different stages of their career will talk about what information literacy means to them, how they engage with it in their job, and how they see information literacy featuring in their future.

Keynote and moderator: Sheila Webber (@sheilayoshikawa)
Sheila is Senior Lecturer and Director of the Centre for Information Literacy Research in the Information School, University of Sheffield. She is a committee member of IFLA Information Literacy Section ( and interim co-chair of UNESCO’s GAPMIL (Global Alliance of partnerships on Media and information Literacy) European Chapter .
She blogs at The Information Literacy Weblog


Pamela McKinney (@ischoolpam). Pamela is a Lecturer in the Information School, University of Sheffield. Before joining the iSchool, she was a learning developer in the Centre for Inquiry-based Learning in the Arts and Social Sciences, and prior to that an academic librarian at Sheffield Hallam University

Liam Bullingham (@liamealbee). Liam is a Liaison Librarian at the University of Sheffield. Previous jobs included Information Adviser at Sheffield Hallam University, Knowledge Management Resources Assistant at DLA Piper and Graduate Trainee Library Assistant, Manchester Metropolitan University.

Emily Wheeler (@heliotropia). Emily is Learning Advisor at the University of Leeds. Previous posts include Library Graduate Trainee at Manchester Metropolitan University. She runs the CILIP Yorkshire and Humberside Member Network blog and co-organises the LISDIS (Library and Information Science Dissertations) conference

Date: July 26, 2016

Time: 10am Central Standard Time (Chicago, USA) / 11am Eastern Standard Time (NYC, USA) / 4pm British Summer Time (London, UK) / 5pm (Stockholm, Sweden)Times elsewhere

To join the webcast on July 26: Go to to access the live event. The webinar will be recorded and the recording will be made available online after the event.


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