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Dr Susan Oman joins Centre for Machine Intelligence

Information School Senior Lecturer Dr Susan Oman has recently joined the University of Sheffield's Centre for Machine Intelligence, as their new Human-Centric AI Theme Lead. "The CMI is a strategic initiative supported by a £3.64m investment, dedicated to the transformation and acceleration of research, innovation, and teaching on and with AI", says Dr Oman. "I am really excited to be taking one of the four academic theme lead appointments in Human-Centric AI, where I will be working across the CMI and the Faculty of Social Sciences Social Research Institute to engage with these centres and networks to develop a programme of research." Susan's research investigates data, AI, evidence, policy and practice - and how they work for the publics they claim to serve. These are often in relation to specific social policy issues, like ‘well-being’ or ‘inequality’ or ‘digital’. Find out more about this news item here .
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