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Come and visit us at the CILIP Conference 2015

On Thursday 2 and Friday 3 July, the Information School will be at the CILIP Conference 2015 in Liverpool.  We'll be on stand number 31 throughout the Conference and will be available to discuss our wide range of postgraduate qualifications and research opportunities.  Make sure you come and see us if you are attending the Conference!

The Conference brings together professionals from across the library, information and knowledge world for two days of inspiration, debate, sharing knowledge and networking. CILIP has put together a wonderfully diverse programme of speakers and sessions, as well as giving delegates the chance to find out about the latest products and services from a range of exhibiting companies within the exhibition hall.

Setting the scene for debate around liberty and personal freedoms within the emerging information environment, Shami Chakrabarti, Cory Doctorow and R.David Lankes are to head up a diverse set of keynote speakers. Chakrabarti will draw on her work in campaigns from privacy laws to anti-terror legislation to talk about the threats to our democratic institutions and why our rights are paramount in upholding democracy. Doctorow’s keynote ‘Information doesn’t want to be free…But people do’ will examine how can libraries and their supporters can strike alliances to ensure information policy is afforded due respect, whilst satisfying creators; and Lankes will present his action plan for world domination through librarianship.

The Conference activities will be based around four key themes:  Information management, information literacy and digital inclusion, demonstrating value, and digital futures and technology. These themes reflect the issues that affect our sector on a day-to-day basis and the sessions, delivered by experts in their field, have been selected with a view to both entertain and inform and include the British Library, Sheffield University, Newcastle City Council and Historic England.

Finalists for Best Association Conference in 2013, CILIP promises to deliver another outstanding conference experience, and an opportunity for people to connect, debate and innovate.  Delegates are invited to book now by visiting the CILIP Conference website


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