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Sustainability at Sheffield

 Looking for your next eco-adventure now Veganuary is over? There are plenty of opportunities to reduce your carbon footprint and promote sustainability across campus.

What’s happening in the Information School?

The Information School currently holds the Platinum Award for Green impact, meaning they have taken part in projects and actions to decrease their negative environmental impact. An example of one project which many students have been involved in is the Education for Sustainable Development initiative, which looks to assess student’s feelings around sustainability, and improve delivery of Education for Sustainable Development within the Information School.

On top of this, the Information School holds the Bronze Athena Swan award, meaning it’s committed to gender equality and advancing the careers of women.

 What’s happening on campus?

There are plenty of ways to get involved.

Reusable cups

Take your reusable cup along to any on-campus café and receive a 20p discount off hot drinks. Good for the environment and good for your wallet.


 Student Union Zero Waste Shop

Buying from the Student Union zero waste shop is a great way to reduce your plastic consumption. They have a wide range of eco-friendly products from groceries and kitchen utensils to skincare and haircare. The vegan sweets are my personal favourite. Simply bring along a refillable container (or buy one there) and stock up on the things you need.


 Green Eating – The View Deli

If you fancy eating a little more sustainably, you can find great vegetarian and vegan food at the View Deli, located on level 4 of the Student’s Union building. They serve a range of vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free lunches, cakes, pastries, and hot drinks. As the name suggests, the deli boasts a lovely view of the city and it’s rolling hills.

Recycle your stationary

Since the 3rd of February, the SU recycled stationary scheme has saved over 7kg of stationary. The stationary scheme box can be found near the desk opposite the University merchandise shop in the main entrance hall of the Student’s Union. Students are free to help themselves to the stationary they need. If you fancy donating some of your unwanted stationary to the scheme, then speak to a member of staff at the SU reception.


Societies are a great way to make friends and to learn new skills. Getting involved in promoting sustainability couldn’t be easier with the wide range of societies available to join.

Fancy helping nature and wildlife? You could try….

Environment and Wildlife

·         There’s Duck Society, who promote duck welfare and even nominate a duck of the week



If you’d prefer to tackle climate change, you could try…


If charity and social justice are your interests, you might join…


If you’re interested in tackling issues from all three of these areas, you might like to try…

- Greta Sugure, Student Ambassador



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