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Celebrating #EUmedialiteracyweek at the iSchool: Media and Information Literacy for Informed Citizens

Experts from the iSchool present a free and open 30 minute webinar on Friday March 22nd 2019, 10.00-10.30 UK time (see here for times elsewhere in the world): Media and Information Literacy for Informed Citizens in the Digital Age. They will highlight the value of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) for citizens’ lives, and the contribution that information and library professionals can make to developing MIL. This celebrates the first European Media Literacy week, set up to recognise the societal importance of media literacy and promote media literacy initiatives and projects.
Sheila Webber (Interim Co-Chair of the European Chapter of the Global Alliance for Partnerships in Media and Information Literacy, former Standing Committee member of IFLA's Information Literacy Section and Head of the iSchool's Libraries and Information Society Research Group) will chair the webinar. She'll give her perspective on the European Media Literacy conference held earlier in the week, and introduce UNESCO’s MIL CLICKS campaign (Media and Information Literacy: Critical-thinking, Creativity, Literacy, Intercultural, Citizenship, Knowledge and Sustainability).

Dr Laura Sbaffi, Dr Pamela McKinney and Dr Sophie Rutter will provide insights into the value of MIL in areas such as evaluating health information and monitoring wellbeing through the lifecourse. They will also contribute perspectives gained through educating information and library professionals to support citizens’ MIL.

Anyone can attend! To join, you will need to download the free Adobe Connect app, if you do not already have it installed (you will be prompted to install it, so do this a few minutes before the webinar starts). There is information on how to use Adobe Connect here

At the seminar start time just go to and you will get accepted into the seminar as a guest. A link to the recording will be made available after the session.

There is no requirement to register, but if you want to get reminders and easily insert the event in your calendar, register here
Image: European Commission


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