Building the
architecture for research data services
Jez Cope, Research Data Manager and
Andy Bussey, Head of Digital Services and Systems, Sheffield University Library
Thursday May 5th, 12 noon (coffee from 11:30am), Room 204 in Information School, Regent Court
The role of the library in academic research institutions is rapidly evolving to keep pace with technological, societal and cultural developments and requirements. One area where this is keenly felt is in the provision of support for the curation and preservation of research data. Here at the University of Sheffield we have recently procured two systems from external providers to support related areas of digital curation. Ex Libris Rosetta enables us to provide a secure, actively managed environment to preserve and curate our data over the very long term. Figshare for Institutions acts as both a catalogue and public-facing repository for datasets created by our researchers. In this session we will describe the drivers that led to the choosing of these systems, lessons learned during their respective implementations and our plans for future development including exploiting the synergies that exist between them and other library systems to offer a cohesive curation and preservation support service. We hope this practice-led seminar will provide opportunities for participants to highlight their own needs and raise issues and questions in relation to this area.