Dr Jorge Martins at the Information School is currently serving as a co-chair of a mini-track on 'Usage of Simulations, Educational Games and Gamification in Education' at the Americas Conference on Information Systems, which will take place in San Diego, 13-16 August 2016. The mini-track is part of the track 'IS in Education, IS Curriculum, Education and Teaching Cases (SIGED)'.
Simulations and games have existed even before the introduction of computers. However, the potentials and drawbacks of using them in education are still not fully understood. The research performed in the field is also complex, the complexities being related to simulations/game/gamification activity design or the complex social and cultural context in which they are used. The purpose of this mini track is to advance research, and to provide a forum that will allow a deeper understanding and knowledge sharing about the relevant issues, opportunities and solutions pertaining to the the usage of simulations, educational games and gamification. It provides an opportunity for educators and researchers engaged to exchange ideas about their experiences and outcomes obtained from integrating serious games, simulations, and gamification in educational settings.
Simulations and games have existed even before the introduction of computers. However, the potentials and drawbacks of using them in education are still not fully understood. The research performed in the field is also complex, the complexities being related to simulations/game/gamification activity design or the complex social and cultural context in which they are used. The purpose of this mini track is to advance research, and to provide a forum that will allow a deeper understanding and knowledge sharing about the relevant issues, opportunities and solutions pertaining to the the usage of simulations, educational games and gamification. It provides an opportunity for educators and researchers engaged to exchange ideas about their experiences and outcomes obtained from integrating serious games, simulations, and gamification in educational settings.