Nina Jaswal, a student on the Department's BSc in Information Management, contributed to a panel session at this year's prestigious Online Information conference in London in December.
"I talked about communication tools used by Generation Y and how Generation X and Y diiffer. It was an interactive panel, with question and answer taking up most of the session. I discussed different ways tools such as social networking can be incorporated in organisations to help them be more effective."
Other panelists were from Chartered Institute of Management, TFPL and AAIPharma Deutschland GmbH.
"I talked about communication tools used by Generation Y and how Generation X and Y diiffer. It was an interactive panel, with question and answer taking up most of the session. I discussed different ways tools such as social networking can be incorporated in organisations to help them be more effective."
Other panelists were from Chartered Institute of Management, TFPL and AAIPharma Deutschland GmbH.